The World's Best Sleep Toolkit

The World's Best Sleep Toolkit

Fall asleep faster, get more rest, and upgrade your energy with the comprehensive Sleep Better Toolkit

Jérémy Stenuit avatar

from 113+ reviews

Money back guaranteed

Money back guaranteed

Buy with confidence and start improving your sleep data

Buy with confidence and start improving your sleep data

  • Sleep

    Fall asleep faster

    decrease time

  • Total Sleep

    Get enough rest

    increase total time

  • Sleep

    Make sleep count

    increase efficiency

  • REM

    Boost brain health

    increase REM time

  • Deep

    Rebuild & Recharge

    increase Restorative time

  • Resting Heart
    Rate (HRV)

    Strengthen heart

    decrease RHR

  • Sleep

    Establish routine

    increase consistency score

  • Sleep

    Reduce interruptions

    decrease interruptions

  • Heart Rate

    Build resilience

     increase HRV

Improve your sleep scores

Improve your sleep scores

Who is this Kit for?

Who is this Kit for?

Rest Seekers & Sleep Optimizers

This toolkit targets common sleep disruptions and fatigue, equipping you with strategies to increase restful sleep and wake up with newfound energy feeling revitalized and ready to conquer the day.

Health & Fitness Enthusiasts

Cultivate balance and vitality both day and night. Our toolkit has all the knowledge and recommendations to optimize your body and maintain a healthy circadian rhythm.

High Performers & Busy Professionals

For those who push their limits by day and seek restorative sleep by night, our kit is the bridge to peak physical, mental, and sleep performance, nurturing your body's natural recovery process.

Just the lists





Meditations, Music, Beats

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The Essential Sleep Better Toolkit




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Includes Future Updates

1hr AMA mentoring call

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Everything + Starter Stack




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Includes Future Updates

1hr AMA mentoring call

3hr 1-1 Workshop with Jon

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So, What's Included?

So, What's Included?

Here's what you'll find inside the Starter Kit

Here's what you'll find inside the Starter Kit

Assessment & Personalized Protocol

AI Personalized Protocol

Science-backed protocols for tonight, when you can't sleep, jetlag and travel, power naps, optimal routines, and more.

Recommended Products

30 Recommendations + Links

The best products to enhance your sleep from mattresses to pillows to eye masks to science-backed supplement stacks that optimize recovery.

Meditations, Music, and Beats

Top 15 Tracks

The best tracks for putting you to bed and getting into deep rest. Binaural beats, visualizations, sleep stories, affirmations, and sleep hypnosis.

Supplements and Stacks

Top 30 Recommendations + Links

Optimize and improve your sleep with high quality and proven supplements

Wearable Technology & Data

Rankings and Recommendations

Should you get an Apple Watch a Whoop or an Oura? What are the key metrics to improve?

Hey , I'm Dan, I struggled with inconsistent sleep for years, and tried everything. Now I sleep like a baby.

I improved my recovery heart rate, HRV, Deep Sleep, REM, and overall energy with this toolkit.

This toolkit accelerates you through 7+ years of optimizing my sleep and is updated regularly with all the latest goods. You won't be disappointed.

This toolkit accelerates you through 7+ years of learning and optimizing my sleep through rigorous experiments and data analysis.

Don't just take my word for it

Don't just take my word for it

I've helped a lot of people transform their energy through optimal sleep

I've helped a lot of people transform their energy through optimal sleep


ince using the protocols, my sleep latency has decreased from 45 minutes to just 10 minutes. I fall asleep faster than ever.


My overall sleep performance score rose from 87 to 99. The magnesium and sleep pack are awesome!

User boosted my sleep quality score significantly. I get more deep sleep and wake up refreshed. The personalized wind-down routine has made a big difference.


I have never seen such a high score on my Garmin.


My deep sleep and REM sleep have never been higher. I feel more rested and mentally sharp when I wake up each morning.


My Whoop scores have never been higher. That’s all.


My Oura readiness and sleep scores have skyrocketed from the mid-70s to 90 and above. What an awesome biohacking tool to take my wellbeing to the next level!


I have never been able to improve my HRV this quickly. Wow! Pretty cool to see the fast improvement!


The tool kit helped me improve my sleep consistency from 65% to 95%. I now have a regular sleep schedule and feel more refreshed.

Upgrade your Sleep Right Now

Upgrade your Sleep Right Now

Purchase just the course, or work with me to boost your results.

Purchase just the course, or work with me to boost your results.

Jérémy Stenuit avatar
Jérémy Stenuit avatar

from 2,000+ reviews

Got questions?

Got questions?

If you've made it this far you're either very interested, or have questions. Here are a few frequently asked questions.

If you've made it this far you're either very interested, or have questions. Here are a few frequently asked questions.

Is this right for me?

What makes this program different from others?

Do I need a wearable device to benefit from this program?

What if I don't see improvements in my sleep?

Unlock The Sleep Better Blueprint Today

Unlock The Sleep Better Blueprint Today

All the tools to start sleeping better tonight.

All the tools to start sleeping better tonight.

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